The Acceleration of DNA may Generate cancer
Alireza Sepehri,
Somayyeh Shoorvazi
Volume 1, Issue 2, April 2013
6 April 2013
30 May 2013
Abstract: In this research, the possibility of generating cancer due to acceleration of DNA is investigated. It is observed that the entanglement between p53 sequence and CG pair is decreased with increasing acceleration .Instead, the entanglement between p53 gene and TA pair is increased with increasing acceleration. Thus the acceleration of p53 leads to mutations from C to T and causes various types of cancer. Also the entanglement between the existence of AT and non-existence of AU pairs in non inertial frames is decreased. It’s concluded that some extra AU pairs maybe produce in DNA structures and cause to cancer or DNA destroy .Furthermore the probability for a site being occupied is increased due to acceleration and more information is transcribed of DNA to protein. It maybe disrupts the cellular dynamics and can lead to cancer. Finally the production cross section for hole in DNA is calculated. Unfortunately information transformation from inside to outside of holes isn’t complete. The proteins outside this hole don’t access to inside the DNA hole and information is lost.
Abstract: In this research, the possibility of generating cancer due to acceleration of DNA is investigated. It is observed that the entanglement between p53 sequence and CG pair is decreased with increasing acceleration .Instead, the entanglement between p53 gene and TA pair is increased with increasing acceleration. Thus the acceleration of p53 leads to mu...
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Nitrate Anion as a Probe for Electrostatic Interactions in Complexes Protein-Ligand
Smolina N. V.,
Dobretsov G. E.,
Syrejshchikova T. I.,
Gamburg Yu. D.,
Kalinina V. V.,
Gryzunov Yu. A.
Volume 1, Issue 2, April 2013
4 April 2013
10 June 2013
Abstract: We are proposing a new technique for studying interaction of charged biomolecules. It is based on a difference between nitrate and chloride anion influence on electrostatic interactions in order to detect the role of positively charged guanidine groups of proteins. This comparison was demonstrated for human serum albumin (HSA) interaction with a fluorescent reporter, CAPIDAN. Nitrate anions lower their binding constant (K). There are two causes that are responsible for that K decrease induced by nitrate. The first, rise of the ionic strength (like to chloride), and the second, a specific one: at the same concentration and ionic strength nitrate anion more significantly lowers K than chloride anion. The study of electric conductivity of chloride and nitrate salts shows that nitrate anions better than chloride anions form complexes with gu-anidine cations. Therefore it can be assumed that the nitrate-chloride techniques detect a direct contact of negatively charged carboxyl of CAPIDAN with positively charged arginine residues of HSA. HSA site I includes Arg 218 and Arg 222. It is possible that the CAPIDAN carboxyl binds to one of these arginines.
Abstract: We are proposing a new technique for studying interaction of charged biomolecules. It is based on a difference between nitrate and chloride anion influence on electrostatic interactions in order to detect the role of positively charged guanidine groups of proteins. This comparison was demonstrated for human serum albumin (HSA) interaction with a fl...
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